What is Autrey Art?

Random artworks by Lucy Autrey Wilson

Friday, January 31, 2014

Watercolor Fish and Ducks

More watercolor paintings done in Seattle, some with grandson Wilson Taylor.  Wilson's twin brother Cole wasn't painting much on this trip:

From top to bottom:
Goldfish - 10 1/4" x 14"
Fish tank - 7" x 10 1/4" (some fish seem to have escaped)
Fish tank line art - with water by 4 1/2 year old Wilson 7" x 10 1/4"
3 Yellow Ducks - a collaboration with Wilson who painted the tower and the pink snakes, gave one duck a red eye, and colored in the fence 10 1/4" x 14"

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Nursing and Painting in Seattle

While Amber recovered on the couch, nurse Lucy had fun doing watercolor paintings of twins Cole and Wilson's toys.  Here are a few

Top photo:  Amber, reclining on the couch under her original Lucy Autrey Wilson quilt and beneath the Taylor's original Lucy Ellen Autrey (lea) Green Flash oil paintings.
4 Going on 5:  Watercolor painting of a few of the 4 1/2 year old twins' toys from Little Dora to a Han Solo action figure
4 Going on 5 photo:  When Wilson got home from preschool and saw this watercolor painting, he ran and found every one of the toy models I had put away and carefully placed them on top of their image on the painting
Pooh and Poofy:  A watercolor painting for Wilson of his favorite bear and blanket (She, the blanket, has a name, of course)
Space Bear:  Cole got his own watercolor of his favorite space bear with a favorite Lego toy driving over one leg