What is Autrey Art?

Random artworks by Lucy Autrey Wilson

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Missing You

I painted this picture titled "Fred and Myrtle" in Greece in June of this year.  I must have known subliminally that Amber, Matt and the twins were going to move away and Lucy (Myrtle) and Sam (Fred) would soon be pining for them.  I guess Myrtle is just going to have to fly north to visit.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Longbow Soda Anyone?

I did it!  I managed to replace my old video card with a new one by myself (with some help from the incomparable Paul Matwiy) and now, finally, my new CS5 Photoshop software works.  So, the first thing I learned how to do was make 3D soda cans out of photos taken at Longbow.  What to do with them?  Well, who loves food more than anything else but the infamous, fabulous Newfe.  So, here he is pointing for a hamburger with 4 cans of Longbow soda pop at his heel.  Perhaps not a great image, but testament that my new HD3650 ATI Radeon AGP 8x video card works.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Longbow Camp

New pen & ink & watercolor done at Longbow Forest Camp in Willamette Valley, Oregon on a recent camping trip.  It was hot the first few days so swimming in the freezing water was wonderful.  It got cold after that but stayed beautiful. 

Friday, August 20, 2010

Detail from Tree House on Lake Painting

Sometimes I like my under paintings as much, if not more, than my finished paintings so when Illustration Friday announced this week's topic "Atmosphere" I thought I'd submit a detail from a new 36" x 36" oil painting in process that seems to fit the theme. 

Finch on Exhibit at Falkirk Cultural Center in San Rafael

My 10" x 10" oil on canvas "Finch" painting will be in Falkirk's 2010 Bi-Annual Juried Exhibition from 9/10/10 through 11/13/10.  Opening reception is Friday, September 10th from 5:30 to 7:30PM.  More on the show can be found here:

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

California Blue Jay Map Art

I've become very fond of the blue jays in my backyard.  The other day I set up my camera and took a series of photos of them at the bird feeder.  When I heard about a new contest at the Sebastopol Center for the Arts on "The Map as Art," I used one of my bird photos as a pattern and digitally repainted it with the bay area section of the map of California.  I wanted to try some map art since buying the book by Katharine Harmon on contemporary artists who explore cartography.  One of my favorite pieces in the book is a map collage titled "Swimming" by Brazilian artist Joao Machado.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Bubble Invasion

Trying a new approach with this 12"x24" ink and acrylic painting on canvas.  The inspiration?  - Jogging on the beach in La Jolla one day years ago I was once completely surrounded by a (pack/herd/swarm) of monarch butterflies migrating north from Mexico.  These two folks at the beach are about to have a similar experience - only this time with giant bubbles.