What is Autrey Art?

Random artworks by Lucy Autrey Wilson

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Wilson Taylor and Grandma Lucy Art

Artwork by Wilson (one week shy of his 5th birthday), created on his own and with his grandma Lucy in Seattle, July 2014, is better than any of the art Lucy saw at museums and galleries in Seattle on her last trip. Top to bottom:
1.  Cole and Wilson: pen & ink and colored pencil on brown craft paper 9x12.  Cole did add some color to this one, but generally he was happiest putting together exotic Lego sculptures.
2.  Garden:  pen & ink and colored pencil on pink craft paper.
3.  Grandma and Me:  pen & ink and marker on pink craft paper.
4.  Raindrops and Rainbows:  Watercolor and ink 6x9
5.  Rainbow:  Crayon on plain paper 8 1/2 x 11
6.  Eclectic:  (includes art by Wilson's dad Matt Taylor on yellow stick-its + an elephant) and a pen & ink rooted flower by Grandma Lucy

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Variations on a Crane Theme

Expanding on my "Crane in Carmel" print effort (see earlier blog entry), I thought I'd try some digital variations including a print (above) and a new fabric design (below).


Detail of a Protea flower for a new quilt in process.  Wool punch, embroidery and applique

Friday, June 20, 2014

Art is the Best Therapy - New Prints

Prints from the San Anselmo Printmakers 3rd press run.  Top to Bottom:
1.  Strange Journey #1 collagraph
2.  Crane ghost monotype with ink and gouache
3.  Blackbird ghost monotype with ink and gouache
4.  Surfer monotype with gouache and watercolor
5.  Blackbird in Marin monotype chine colle with gouache
6.  Crane in Carmel monotype chine colle with pastel and gouache